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  • From the editor’s desk

What our readers say about “Swiss Review” on its 50th anniversary

04.10.2024 – Marc Lettau

The first-ever edition of “Swiss Review” arrived in people’s letter boxes 50 years ago. Half a century later, the Swiss Abroad have written to us in droves to tell us about their own unique relationship with the magazine.

No birthday cake. No bubbly. When a magazine like ours celebrates its anniversary, feedback from our readers – positive and negative – is the best gift we can receive. And the pleasure is double at the moment. Firstly, we have received thousands of responses to our readership survey. We will evaluate these submissions in the weeks to come. Secondly, many readers from around the globe have written in to tell us about their feelings and attachment towards “Swiss Review”. We have compiled excerpts from these testimonials below. 

What is particularly gratifying is how many people regard “Swiss Review” as we also like to regard it ourselves: not only as a source of information, but also as both an emotional and – in the case of the print edition – tangible, tactile link between the “over here” and “over there” that have shaped the lives of Swiss Abroad around the world.

The first “Swiss Review” was published in 1974. What changes has it gone through since then? Visit to read about the magazine’s evolution over the years.

To mark our 50th birthday, all editions of “Swiss Review” have been converted into digital format in all the relevant publication languages, allowing readers to browse back in time. This archive collection has been made possible by the Swiss National Library in cooperation with E-Periodica, the ETH Library’s platform for digitised Swiss journals:



“The ‘Swiss Review’ is a lifeline to my home country, Switzerland. It is also concise, authoritative, up to date, engaging, valuable, informative, indispensable, refreshing, exciting, substantive, stimulating, essential, enriching, vibrant, first-class, discerning, fascinating, inspiring, comprehensive, in-depth, enjoyable, varied, insightful, important, diverse, entertaining, and at times quite humorous. In a nutshell, I look forward to every edition and read it as soon as it is available on my PC.“ 

Thomas Arn, West Vancouver, Canada

“Swiss Abroad are the voice and face of Switzerland abroad. This is no easy thing, demanding great courage, responsibility and flexibility. The ‘Swiss Review’ is a valuable aid in this regard, giving expats a piece of home and a positive sense of attachment to Switzerland.” 

Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, National Councillor, Biel-Benken, Switzerland

“The ‘Swiss Review’ has always given me a connection to a part of my roots. This magazine from a faraway country has been part of our lives here ever since I can remember, containing articles and photos that tell not only of Switzerland’s social and economic well-being, but of its unparalleled beauty too. It serves as the perfect window to picture-perfect Switzerland.” 

Micaela Bertuche, Argentina

“I’ve been a loyal reader of the ‘Swiss Review’ for quite some time now, and I must say, it’s been a delightful journey. As someone who appreciates a good read, the ‘Swiss Review’ has never disappointed me. It’s a carefully curated window into the Swiss way of life, culture, and current affairs. It’s like having a little piece of Switzerland delivered right to my doorstep, without the need to climb the Alps or yodel for it. Each issue [makes] me feel more connected to my heritage and the wider Swiss community. One of the things I love most about the ‘Swiss Review’ is its ability to strike the perfect balance between serious journalism and light-hearted storytelling.” 

Ruth Kamienecki-Braschler And Family, USA

“The ‘Swiss Review’ is excellent in every way. Dear editors, please know that I rate your magazine a strong 20+ out of 20! Regards to you and to our beautiful country.” 

Etienne Maffei, France

“I was born elsewhere, but I am legally and emotionally Swiss. I devour the ‘Swiss Review’ in the same way that I used to eat Ragusa chocolate. Reading it helps me span an imaginary bridge between my time in Switzerland and the here and now. I always have the magazine on my desk among my books and paintbrushes. And after I have read it, I use it as a tabletop protector – to absorb even more colour and emotion along the way. The Swiss Review has entered the fabric of my life.” 

Ioana Lazaroiu, Fréjus-Saint Raphaël, France

“For a long time, the magazine was my only connection to Switzerland. I am currently studying political science, so articles on Switzerland’s domestic issues interest me in particular these days. But ‘Swiss Review’ not only provides information, it also brings people together. I took part in a youth camp in 2016 – an experience that changed my life and made me appreciate my family roots even more.” 

Ana Schneebeli, 19 years old, Argentina

“The ‘Swiss Review’ is one of my active interfaces with Swiss who live abroad. Maintaining this link is important to ensure that Swiss citizens around the globe are never ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Your magazine deserves our thanks.” 

Laurent Wehrli, National Councillor, Glion, canton of Vaud, Switzerland

“I have greatly enjoyed ‘Swiss Review’ for over 20 years. I seriously appreciate your work on all levels, particularly your strength of in-depth reporting and thorough research into a subject.” 

Franziska Schmidlin, New Zealand

“My journey with the ‘Swiss Review’ began during my preschool days. I have vivid memories of poring over the printed version, captivated by the vibrant and creative pictures, before I could even read. This nostalgic experience creates a deep connection for us as readers. Each edition brings a wealth of knowledge and insights. The ‘Swiss Review’ remains an essential link to our Swiss heritage, providing a sense of continuity and community that is invaluable to Swiss Abroad around the world.” 

Francois Schwalb, Mooketsi, South Africa

“I’ve been an avid reader of the ‘Swiss Review’ for as long as I can remember. Ever since I settled in the USA 33 years ago, this publication has been a constant in my mailbox. What keeps me turning its pages are the captivating articles about Switzerland’s rich cultural and political landscape. But what I enjoy the most is reading about the various Swiss clubs across North America. These glimpses into their vibrant activities and celebrations of Swiss culture inspire me. It’s nice to see how actively Swiss people abroad stay connected to their heritage, making the ‘Swiss Review’ a cherished link to our homeland.”

Hedwig Vicki Burkhard, Fort Myers, USA

“I am a Swiss from Lausanne in Vaud, and also a Canadian from Blainviller in Quebec; two nationalities with one origin – Switzerland. From my home in Quebec, the ‘Swiss Review’ provides a constant connection to the country close to my heart. It is like Cenovis or Thomy mustard: I can’t live without it!” 

Philippe Magnenat, Quebec, Canada

“To be honest, the ‘Swiss Review’ is perhaps the one thing that makes me a true Swiss. As a dual citizen who is Swiss by descent, I have lived my whole life in France. I used to have quite a detached relationship with my ‘second country’. But I am now a fervent reader of your magazine. It helps me keep track of Swiss news, current affairs, elections, popular votes, history, and traditions.”

Edouard Reichenbach, France

“The ‘Swiss Review’ is my go-to magazine whenever I want some informative and light reading about Switzerland and Swiss communities all over the world. In Brazil, I particularly enjoy reading about the activities and projects of Swiss citizens that have a great positive impact on their communities.”

Guilherme Figueredo, Brazil

“When I travel abroad, I always love meeting Swiss expatriates. We all feel connected to Switzerland, regardless of where we live. The ‘Swiss Review’ plays an important role in ensuring that the Swiss Abroad keep track of events in their home country. The magazine is one of my must-reads wherever I am – Chur, Berne or abroad. Gemeinsam – ensemble – insieme – ensemen: together we are all Swiss!”

Martin Candinas, National Councillor, canton of Graubünden

“The Swiss Review connects me to realities and ideals that I learned from my family – as opposed to the circumstances and aspirations that accompany life here in Argentina. In addition to political, social and economic affairs, I am particularly interested in learning about innovations to make the world a better place in future. I am very grateful for the enriching role you play in maintaining my connection to Switzerland and to the forward-looking vision that it represents.”

Oscar Schmitz, Argentina

“I wanted to share my love for the ‘Swiss Review’. It’s now about 30 years ago, when I was first introduced to this magazine by a dear friend of mine who is an American Citizen and married to a Swiss woman. I always look forward getting it in the mail. I enjoy reading the articles about Switzerland. The stories which include politics, trade, hobbies, nature, Fifth Switzerland, OASI, travel and more.Thank you all for making this magazine relevant to us abroad.”

Kurt Zuger, Thornton, Colorado, USA

“For 26 years reading and sharing the ‘Swiss Review’ with ‘Swaussies’ of the ‘Fraser Coast Swiss Group’ and keeping in my Guestroom. Very much appreciated to receive this bountiful magazine with Info which connects us to our ‘Heimat’. 

Most interested in the ‘Regional News Oceania’ pages, were me and other clubs report events and activities, always with lovely pictures.”

Cecile Scherrer, Queensland, Australia 

“I naturally get a lot of pleasure from reading your magazine and its articles on Swiss news and current affairs. Your reports are always really interesting – thank you.”

Dominique Bourqui, Canada

“I thoroughly enjoy reading many ‘Swiss Review’ articles, especially about Swiss culture, traditions and people; not so much the political views as I have never lived in Switzerland and am a second generation Swiss (made in CH, born in NZ!). The ‘Swiss Review’ offers a great variety of interesting articles, fosters our Swiss connections, gives an insight into opportunities that are available to our youth and so much more; and I look forward to receiving every issue. I thoroughly enjoy the Oceania section of the ‘Swiss Review’ and finding out what is happening at Swiss Clubs in our Oceania region. Grateful thanks to everyone who contributes to this great magazine!”

Marianne Drummond (nee Benkert), Taranaki/New Zealand

“I migrated to Australia in 1967 and married my Australian wife in 1970. A year later we went to live in Switzerland for two and a half years and returned to Australia where housing was cheaper in those days. Later, we lived in Switzerland with our children for another year to experience life there. On our return to Australia we looked forward to receiving the ‘Swiss Review’ to keep up with events of interest in Switzerland and also reading what the local Swiss communities all over Australia were doing. I would like to thank Marc Lettau for the editing of the ‘Swiss Review’. I was involved with the ‘Swiss Review’ over the past 17 years as President of the Swiss Yodlers of Sydney, most of the time writing something for the Regional News. Personally, I feel it would be of interest to many Swiss expats, if more Swiss organisations submitted notices of activities and intentions to the Swiss Review and I would like to thank Roland Isler for organising the Regional News Oceania.”

Alois Kretz, Artarmon Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 

“Having left Bienne/Biel for Argentina when I was under 1 year, returning for the third grade before moving to the USA permanently, I only learned some French, never German nor another of the official languages of Switzerland. At 18 I wanted to repatriate and spent several months in Geneva to ensure I would be able to find work and enough family connections to develop a foothold in ‘my’ country, of which I was fiercely proud but actually barely knew. I loved it there and, upon my return to the states, I excitedly planned my permanent departure from the US and return to beautiful Switzerland. But a few months before the planned departure date ‘I met a guy’, and after a few more months we married... The ‘Swiss Review’ allowed me to learn more about ‘my’ country and I find the Review interesting and very enjoyable. I appreciate and even need the ‘Swiss Review’ and thank all who create and support it!”

Catherine Hanni (Breguet), Rhode Island, USA 

“I have been living in the USA for 53 years and I am retired and a member of the ‘Auslandschweizerrat’ (Council for the Swiss Abroad). I have always preferred the paper version over the electronic version, and I read most every article. This publication has kept me up to date on events in the Homeland and the information comes in handy in discussions in the Council for the Swiss Abroad. Years ago, there were also results from Swiss sporting events that I could not get from the local papers, that was enjoyable.”

Felix Egli, USA 



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