Provisions & finances
Whether you are already receiving a pension or vested pension benefits or have only just started a job: provisions and finances are an important topic at any age.
In this section, you will find links and information about the Swiss OASI/DI, coordination of the social insurance system between Switzerland and the EU/EFTA Member States, and the voluntary OASI/DI for those resident outside the EU/EFTA. This section also contains links and information regarding the occupational pension/2nd pillar (pension fund).
Furthermore, you will find everything relating to the topic of banks, the most up-to-date information and contact details for various banks, specifically for Swiss nationals whose place of residence is abroad.
This section also deals with the topic of taxes, with contact details for the authorities with regard to double taxation questions, and further information and links, including regarding the automatic exchange of information (AEOI) between Switzerland and other countries.
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