
Swiss Review
February 1/21

Delayed democracy


Hanna Sahlfeld-Singer is a Swiss Abroad. The 77-year-old, who lives in Germany, says she takes part in every federal vote – honouring time and again…

From small pencil factory to global brand


The woman who put Napoleon in his place

Literature series

Germaine de Staël, of Genevan origin, was a woman of letters and a leading intellectual who lived in Paris but had to flee to exile in Switzerland…

No liability regulations for Swiss multinationals


The Responsible Business Initiative failed to win a cantonal majority. Nevertheless, Swiss companies are under increasing pressure to act in an…

Controversial alternative to the password jungle


Dying to save the forest, the adventure of Swiss hero Bruno Manser


How the pandemic spiralled


Beard business

Swiss statistics

Readers give “Swiss Review” good marks – and have a clear idea of what they want


A very large proportion of “Swiss Review” readers rate our magazine as “good” or even “very good”. Many of them also have clear ideas as to how we…

New events in 2021: online offers to accompany the traditional summer and winter camps


New website for OSA, Youth Service and “Swiss Review”


The new website not only features fresh content and advice – it will also be our community hub allowing the Swiss Abroad to interact, share knowledge,…

Summer camps for children aged 8 to 14


Swiss children living abroad will have an opportunity to get to know Switzerland and its culture – and have a great time with around 40 other children…

“It would be a great first step if we had 40 per cent women”


Better representation of women is an objective shared by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA). The elections to the Council of the Swiss Abroad…

Gaining work experience in Switzerland


Votes and Elections

Notes from the Federal Palace

Everything you need to know about voting proposals (voting pamphlets, committees, recommendations by Parliament and the Federal Council etc.) is…

Letters to the editor


Life after the Lovebugs


Geneva in another light


Voting day


“It was going to be the best possible day. Vreni didn’t care about the fog that had been smothering the farm since Friday...”.

Livia Leu

Top pick

Christoph Blocher: No turns to yes


Opinion piece | Any Swiss memorial to Nazi victims needs to be more than just a physical landmark

Swiss victims of the Holocaust

Guest article | Switzerland set to have its own official Holocaust memorial

Swiss victims of the Holocaust

Within the next few weeks, a broad alliance of stakeholders is due to present the Federal Council with a detailed plan for the creation of a national…

An important political step towards a memorial for Holocaust victims

Swiss victims of the Holocaust

An important matter of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad has definitely reached both chambers of the Swiss Parliament. In two identical motions,…
