

The “Swiss Review” is sent to all Swiss households abroad automatically and free of charge.

Swiss who registered with a Swiss representation abroad and provide their email address automatically receive the digital edition of the “Swiss Review” six times a year unless they explicitly demand the printed paper version. One print edition is provided per household.

Switch from paper version to digital edition or vice versa

Change of address

You are not registered as a Swiss abroad with a Swiss representation? Or would you like to subscribe as Swiss Abroad to the print edition in a language other than the standard language of your country of residence? Please see the subscription form

The annual subscription fee is: CHF 0.– for the digital edition | CHF 50.– for postal shipping abroad | CHF 30.– for postal shipping in Switzerland

Switch from paper version to digital edition or vice versa

You can request another version of the “Swiss Review” (paper or digital) at the Online Desk FDFA. Or also contact your Swiss representation. Please note that the type of version can only be changed by the person to which our magazine is addressed.

Our magazine is also available as a free app.

Download the “Swiss Review” app for iOS | for Android

Voluntary subscriptions to bolster the "Swiss Review"

Readers of “Swiss Review” may wish to support it with a voluntary subscription fee. Your support expressed in this way will help us to offer the “Review” in the same quality for many years to come. 

The bank details for the transfer of voluntary subscriptions are as follows:

Donate via credit card:

Donate via PayPal:

Bank account for donations:

IBAN: CH97 0079 0016 1294 4609 8 
Bank: Berner Kantonalbank Bundesplatz 8, CH-3011 Berne 
Account: 16.129.446.0.98
Beneficiary: Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, FAO Mr A. Kiskery, Alpenstrasse 26, CH-3006 Berne

Telephone +41 31 356 61 10

Swiss Review subscription form

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