From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
The “Swiss Review” is the highest-circulation media publication dedicated to Swiss Abroad. Does the magazine meet your expectations? Our comprehensive survey aims to get
answers – to deliver the magazine that you want.
What content does the “Swiss Review” need to ensure it is as relevant to readers in Switzerland’s neighbouring countries as it is to those Swiss who live 20,000 kilometres away? What topics interest and impact the extremely diverse “Fifth Switzerland”? What should tomorrow’s “Swiss Review” look like?
Questions such as these are all part of a day’s work for the editorial team. But it is our readers who are best placed to provide answers. This is why the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity, now wishes to conduct a comprehensive readership survey in its role as the producer of “Swiss Review”. Another reason for having a survey is that our magazine is about to turn 50, and celebrating this anniversary is not just about looking back but forward.
js_studien+analysen (Zurich), a company specialising in empirical market and social research, will conduct the survey and evaluate its results. We intend to publish the key findings of the survey in January 2025.
We recommend completing the survey online to avoid paying return postage. It also saves us time and money, because every returned copy of the printed questionnaire attached to this edition of the magazine has to be manually scanned into our system.
Say what you think of “Swiss Review” in its current form, tell us how you like to read the magazine and what your expectations are, and feel free to submit any general feedback or suggestions that you may have. You can access the survey directly via the following link:
Participating in the survey is certainly worth a few minutes of your time. Not only will your input help us to improve “Swiss Review”, but you also have the chance to win a fantastic prize: 50 quintessentially Swiss prizes are up for grabs for all those who take part in our survey. The total value of all these prizes is over 6,000 Swiss francs.
Every carefully completed readership survey matters. For example, our last survey in 2020 helped to improve the layout of our magazine. Since 2020, we have been complementing our articles with a more diverse range of photos and other visual content. Furthermore, we now address issues that are even more reflective of what our readers want to see.
Quintessentially Swiss prizes up for grabs – Discover them!
The advertisements are from companies that have generously contributed to the raffle.
Comments :
Good morning, on a rainy wintery morning in New Zealand. I thought I would fill in your review survey, why not, I love your Swiss Review and this has been over the past 20 years or more. Also, I am the biggest fan, and seriously appreciate your work on all levels, particularly in your strength of in-depth reportage and thorough research into a subject. Additionally how you present it to us is just TOP quality. When I filled in the survey I consciously put one dot outside of excellent, the one I could, not so much interested in sport, just to make sure you know I am a real person, and not randomly tick all the boxes on the right side, the excellent, definitely agree boxes.
THANK you so much. For everything. Keep up your good work. Can't wait to read the farmers' perspective, working in agriculture research here in New Zealand myself.
Cheers Franziska
Bonjour, J'apprécie énormément la Revue Suisse dans son format actuel, alliant de précieuses informations juridiques, des chiffres clés (population, économie) et bien sûr culturelles. Le petit plus idéal: un focus sur un canton par mois, par example pour nous le faire découvrir avec quelques belles adresses. Merci pour cette initiative de sondage. Très beau 1er aout à chacune et chacun, Laurent K
Das Popup für die Cookies ist eine Frechheit mittels dem schlechten Kontrast (hellstes grau auf weiss) die Ablehnung der Datensammlung unleserlich zu machen. Geht bestimmt gegen die EU Richtlinien
La revista siempre ha sido muy interesante y variada. ES entretenida. Los temas que me gustarían son:
1.Que se ofrezcan y publiciten productos suizos en general. Relojes, elementos para la cocina.
2. Artículos y guías practicas para realizar la repatriación y reagrupación familiar y el acceso a la seguridad social Suiza.
I Look forward to each e-publication from my beloved Switzerland. My suggestion/ request for additional info is culinary! Please share some of the recipes and authentic dishes that bring back memories of our Heimat.
Ich bin jetzt 12 Jahre weg von meiner Heimat. Und damit verändert sich der Blickwinkel eindeutig. Mir ist in dieser Zeit etwas störrend aufgefallen, dass die SR die eingangs erwähnte Funktion nur schlecht erfüllt. Die SR ist mir zu EDA lastig.
Wer höher (weiter) fliegt sieht mehr, ist ein altes Sprichwort. Sprich, die Auslandschweizer hätten durchaus der Wohnbevölkerung eine andere Sicht mitzuteilen, Ideologie-, dogmafrei. Wenn dieser Dialog stattfinden würde, dann würde die SR eine wesentliche Funktion zusätzlich erfüllen. In den Kommentaren der Einheitsbrei-Pressemedien der Schweiz ist die SR kaum mal sichtbar. Schade.
Ich halte die Bundesverfassung nach wie vor für die Beste. Aber sie wird verwässert, stark beeinflusst durch die übermässige Lobbykraft aus allen Bereichen. Das wird zur Errosion des Grundgedankens der Bundesverfassung beitragen und sie damit usupieren. Noch mehr schade!