From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
The “Swiss Review” editorial team asked six politicians about sentiment towards the “Fifth Switzerland”. Their replies are summarised below. The survey is also an invitation to readers to join in the debate, via the comment function at the end of the article.
“Yes, sentiment has worsened. I am acutely aware of it, both in parliament, where I have been a member for 14 years, and in society. Statements like “it’s their own fault for moving abroad” are becoming more common. Since Covid especially, I have seen people increasingly closing themselves off and adopting a “me first” attitude. This mentality also came to the fore during the vote on the 13th OASI pension payment.
The rejection of my health insurance proposal, even by the Green Liberals, was a clear indication of this hardening of attitudes. I am convinced that it would have ultimately saved money. There is also the planned downsizing of swissinfo, which makes no sense at all to me. I will oppose it in parliament. I am somewhat critical of children’s pensions. Instances of abuse need to be consistently addressed and I don’t understand why children’s pensions are not adjusted to the purchasing power of the country where they live.
Another example: Swiss Abroad cannot participate in elections to the Council of States in half of the cantons. Having consulted with the cantons, I have seen there is no will to change that. People say that all they have to do is return to Switzerland. The deliberate exclusion of the 800,000 or so Swiss Abroad from the political process is a dangerous development.
There is obviously scant political interest in the issues of the Swiss Abroad. However, they are the best ambassadors for our country. We have to cherish and cultivate these relationships. They are also important for the economy: if moving abroad consistently loses its appeal, Swiss companies abroad will soon find themselves short of labour from Switzerland. That’s what I told business representatives on my last visit to Thailand and China; they really need to become more engaged on this issue and do more about it.”
“Yes, I feel a tendency towards ill-feeling against the Swiss Abroad. Needless to say, I am extremely shocked when people say or imply that the Swiss Abroad are “profiteers”.
Discord is never the way to build a good future that benefits all of us. I believe, however, that despite the growing tensions there are still many people – especially among the Swiss Abroad – who see the Swiss Abroad as ambassadors for Switzerland.
I could see increased communication and exchange between the Swiss in Switzerland and the Swiss Abroad as a way of getting to know each other better. This would also help improve mutual understanding. Regarding the proposed savings measures that involve the Swiss Abroad, the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) wrote to the Federal Council spelling out in detail the reasons why these measures must be rejected.”
“Yes, there is a negative trend. It feeds off the idea that Swiss living abroad are profiteers or affluent people who want to have their cake and eat it. This view is of course flawed, as it glosses over the fact that many people move away because they can’t afford a comfortable retirement in Switzerland. This ideology tends to view those who move away as traitors to Switzerland. Needless to say, I am diametrically opposed to that position.
The comments made during the campaign for a 13th OASI pension payment were shocking and demeaning. Do they think the money paid out to Swiss Abroad is lost money?
The plans to curtail the information relayed via swissinfo are scandalous. There is absolutely no thought for national cohesion, let alone the connection with the “Fifth Switzerland”. In view of the fact that the number of Swiss Abroad is rising, swissinfo should be receiving considerably more funding, not less.
The sociological reality of the “Fifth Switzerland” is something of a mystery. In fact, it’s so diverse that people just interpret it as they see fit. The SVP has developed a highly nationalistic view of citizenship. Anyone who has lived abroad for a prolonged period of time is being put in a bad light. The FDP is in some respects “obsessed” by saving and cares only about its social acceptance. It is also true that things affecting the “Fifth Switzerland” provoke less of a reaction.
If attitudes turn against the “Fifth Switzerland”, it will be particularly bad for the second generation, as it could hasten their detachment from the country. That would be a loss for Switzerland. We need to use all the channels to reverse this trend and allow the Swiss Abroad to be heard. That includes all means of dissemination in Switzerland, its cantons and political parties. The elected representatives need to be made more aware of this issue. The Swiss Abroad furthermore have to vote a lot more to exercise their influence on the decisions made and the politicians elected in Switzerland.”
I don’t feel there is a real divide between Swiss living in Switzerland and their compatriots outside the country. Monetary policy is tightening and we are all affected by the Confederation’s saving plans. Nonetheless, we need to be careful to avoid placing too much strain on the ties between the “Fifth Switzerland” and the metropolis, also known as Switzerland. The SRG needs to be able to maintain its offering abroad. Yes, I am a member of the “200 francs is enough!” initiative committee and want the SRG to limit itself to fulfilling its basic mandate. The international offering is part of that basic mandate, however, so leave it alone. We also need to leave expenditure of symbolic significance alone: I think it’s wrong that foreign gun clubs can no longer obtain ammunition from Switzerland.
As regards other things, e-voting for example, I’m more sceptical; even if it’s unacceptable that documents sent by post arrive only after the vote has taken place. Sending the documents by email should be allowed.
As an SVP member, of course I defend the interests of Swiss people first and foremost. However, we should not forget that Swiss Abroad includes the word Swiss. The Swiss Abroad are not second-class Swiss. Sometimes the media give the impression that Swiss pensioners outside the country are enjoying a golden retirement. But that fails to account for all the people of retirement age who have to emigrate out of financial necessity.
It would be crazy to abolish the right to vote for the “Fifth Switzerland”. I am shocked by such proposals. Switzerland would be the only country to do that. Instead, I advocate the introduction of separate constituencies for Swiss Abroad for the National Council elections. We should be looking at how our compatriots who want to maintain ties to the metropolis can be better represented in our political institutions.
Swiss Abroad have always been ambassadors for Switzerland. They are also contact points for the country. I enjoy, for example, celebrating 1 August outside the country with Swiss Abroad. It’s at times like this that you realise the Swiss Abroad are also Swiss.”
People unfortunately often assume that the Swiss Abroad are able to enjoy a better quality of life outside Switzerland with the money available to them than if they were to remain in the country. They fail to acknowledge that many Swiss people at retirement age emigrate out of financial pressure after having contributed to our society for their entire working lives. I believe this attitude is being hardened by the federal government cuts and also to an extent in the social institutions.
I’m particularly disturbed by proposals impacting livelihoods and social security, as with pension reductions. When benefits for the Swiss Abroad are called into question, it’s an attempt to restrict the latter’s legal rights. Equally problematic (and a false economy) is reducing the information provided to the Swiss Abroad to the extent currently being proposed.
It’s the centre-right who want to make these cuts. Generally, I would say the public don’t think about the “Fifth Switzerland” very often. This issue is close to me personally, as my brother lives abroad.
Are the Swiss Abroad still ambassadors for the country? I think it really depends. Today, that is less often the case, and the longer someone remains abroad, the less of an ambassador they become. We have to increase the flow of information and engage more with our compatriots outside Switzerland to prevent a deterioration of the situation.”
Andrea Caroni spoke to “Swiss Review” in November 2024, which predates his election as president of the Council of States. During his presidential year, he refrains from commenting on political issues, as is tradition in Switzerland.
“I can’t really talk about a general trend. But information technology has definitely changed, so that state media aimed at the Swiss Abroad no longer has the same significance for them. From that perspective, I can understand the proposed cutbacks at swissinfo. It’s the same for Swiss schools. There are a lot of non-Swiss now attending them and it’s not for the state, i.e. our taxpayers, to pick up the bill for that.
The lifelong right to vote is also questionable and I have submitted several interpellations about that. There is basically a disconnect between co-determination and involvement in the outcomes. The increased OASI payments are a striking example of that.
I was also once a Swiss Abroad and I do understand their concerns, especially in cases of short-term international mobility. At the same time, that they in some cases enjoy lifelong rights vis-à-vis a community in which they neither live nor contribute financially as much as the people who actually live there is taking it too far.”
You can find the full report on (political) sentiment towards the Swiss Abroad here.