Switzerland must adapt its gun laws to EU requirements if it wants to safeguard Schengen. The EU Firearms Directive is under attack from gun rights campaigners – and will be put to a referendum on 19 May.
Weapons in Switzerland are a serious business. Just ask William Tell. The country’s original sharp-shooter recently came back to the rescue – this time holding up his right hand like a traffic policeman on the website of gun lobby group Pro Tell and imploring “liberal Switzerland” to reject the EU’s “disarmament diktat”. Tell’s modern-day advocate is René Schneider who, as honorary chairman of the Unterseen military rifle club, honorary member of the Bernese Oberland shooting association, and honorary member of the sports shooting association of the canton of Berne, is a man with intimate knowledge of the Swiss shooting scene. “As a democratic country, it is up to us to decide what we want and what we don’t want,” Schneider tells “Swiss Review”. “We simply cannot let the EU Firearms Directive ruin the great Swiss tradition of sports shooting.” Switzerland’s firearm enthusiasts have come out all guns blazing.
This is a debate born of the Paris terrorist attacks of 2015, when semi-automatic weapons were used to kill 130 people. The EU tightened its gun laws soon thereafter. Given that it belongs to the Schengen Area and – by extension – to the European police security system, Switzerland must amend its national gun laws in line with these new regulations. The country’s shooting associations, supported by the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), oppose this and have called a referendum on the matter.
Semi-automatic weapons with high magazine capacity are banned under EU law. These include rifles, revolvers and pistols that will release a bullet each time the trigger is pulled – and, in the process, can fire multiple consecutive shots without the need to reload. Unfortunately, it just so happens that the SIG 550 and SIG 510 assault rifles also belong to this category. Both are very popular among Swiss gun enthusiasts. After talks with the EU, Switzerland has however obtained an exemption that upholds the tradition of standard-issue weapons being taken home and used at the end of military service. This is very accommodating from the EU, given that the concession applies exclusively to Switzerland – hence the exemption is sometimes referred to as “Lex Helvetica”.
Anyone who already owns such a firearm as a result of a previous purchase has nothing to worry about. However, their weapon must be entered in a cantonal firearms register. If it is not, the owner has three years to rectify this. Sports shooters can also still buy this type of rifle, although they need to be a member of a rifle club or prove that they use their weapon for sporting purposes on a regular basis. The government deems five shoots within five years to be “regular”.
But why exactly does the gun lobby object to these provisions? Schneider: “We would no longer be firearm owners but holders of illegal guns who are tolerated by the state and subject to special requirements. We would be using ‘banned weapons’ to practise our sport. Buying a firearm would only be possible via an exemption. This is much more restrictive than the current firearm acquisition permit and would result in a massive decline in the number of shooting enthusiasts.” Schneider also believes that it is “totally illogical” for a standard-issue army firearm not to be considered as prohibited whereas a privately acquired firearm would be. “After all, we’re talking about exactly the same gun. It would create a two-tier system among gun owners.”
Could the new regulations perhaps lead to an increase in membership among rifle clubs instead, assuming that sports shooters would also have to be members of such clubs? Schneider is adamant: “No chance. In our club we only take on new members who have been introduced by members who are already registered with us. This means that we only accept members of good repute. We don’t just take on every person who wants to join us. I’m pretty sure that obligations and responsibilities would be passed on to clubs. And I can imagine that clubs would suddenly be responsible for providing the relevant certification for their members.”
Switzerland’s gun clubs therefore have considerable misgivings – despite Parliament’s best efforts to keep red tape to a minimum. Josef Dittli, FDP member of the Council of States for the canton of Uri, nailed it when he said, “We want to take into account the particular nature and tradition of shooting in this country, while taking care not to jeopardise the Schengen Agreements.” All left-wing motions in favour of a further tightening of Switzerland’s gun laws have been rejected, as have those of the SVP designed to scupper implementation of EU requirements.
CVP National Councillor Nicolo Paganini warns against sacrificing Schengen “on the altar of sovereignty but for all the wrong reasons”. The Federal Office of Police (fedpol) also provided a reality check on the problems that could arise, noting that Switzerland’s police would be “deaf and blind” without Schengen, and that it was important for the country to remain part of the European security system. Developing a police strategy on a purely national security level, based on current Schengen rules, would cost between 400 and 500 million Swiss francs. Losing visa-free access to Schengen would also have serious consequences for the Swiss tourism industry and for cross-border regions. The federal government calculates that the Swiss economy would lose up to 11 billion Swiss francs each year without Schengen.
Is this not too high a price to pay for sparing Switzerland’s gun lobby a few bureaucratic hoops? Schneider dodges the question slightly. In his view, the Federal Council should simply go back to Brussels and renegotiate the EU Firearms Directive. “I believe it is possible to find a solution that is acceptable to both sides and does not jeopardise Schengen.”
Switzerland has a great shooting tradition and numerous gun enthusiasts. There were around two million firearms kept in Swiss households according to the most recent federal government estimate in 2013. “NZZ am Sonntag” research shows that the cantons have issued between 150,000 and 250,000 firearm acquisition permits since then. Given that each acquisition permit enables the purchase of up to three firearms, the estimated total number of firearms in Swiss households is now between 2.5 and 3 million.
On 19 May 2019, there will also be a referendum on the Federal Act on Tax Reform and AHV Financing (TRAF). The November 2018 issue of “Swiss Review” covered the proposal in detail.
Comments :
As far as trade, we are being told the USMCA (replaces NAFTA) is the solution for trade and other issues. USMCA is worse for the US than NAFTA and copied much of TPP and other bills. The further loss of sovereignty to my country can be devastating.
I urge my Swiss friends to reject any further attempts by the EU to take away your sovereignty and independence.
Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, in Anbetracht der global obwaltenden Umständen kann ich nicht nachvollziehen, warum man sich im WINZLING Schweiz eine solche untergeordnete Lappalie beinahe zur Staatskrise aufbauscht. Wir hätten doch ganz sicher Gescheiteres zu tun. Aber eben, hiezu müsste man die mittelalterlichen Denkschemata verlassen können.
Pensez à l'unification des titres scolaires, surtout universitaires, au programme Erasmus, à la facilité de passage transfrontalier, ceci au prix d'une réglementation des armes, plus que nécessaire. Voulez-vous retourner au stade de la Suisse avant 1848, ou en changeant de canton, il fallait passer la douane? sans parles des autres choses. Si en Suisse, on subit aussi le diktat de Berne, surtout en Suisse Romande, je ne vois que peu de Suisses qui aimeraient retourner à l'état 1848.
Les problèmes globaux, pris globalement sont mieux adaptés à la majorité que ceux traités localement.
Le mal français ne vient pas de l'Europe, mais de la structure politique française, avec son jacobinisme forcené.
Non je ne veux certainement pas retourner en 1848... cependant Bruxelles nous impose des lois qui ne sont pas compatibles avec tous les pays et beaucoup de gens considèreent que c'est un diktat avec des décisions prises par d'obscurs fonctionnaires qui n'approfondissent pas leurs sujets !
Il y a qu'a voir le chaos qui règne avec Schengen, immigration clandestine, trafics de drogues et autres, rien de bon ! et Bruxelles n'est pas mieux !
Vous habitez la Suisse donc vous n'êtes pas soumis à toutes ces lois Bruxelloises liberticides et souvent aberrantes, ici en France avec des dirigeants lèches bottes au garde à vous le doigt sur la couture devant Bruxelles....je ne vous explique pas le ressentiment que beaucoup de français ont vis à vis de cette mafia parlementaire bruxelloise !
Donc pour moi....toucher à la liberté des armes je dis cent fois non !
Je serai même prêt à voter des deux mains pour un Frexit !!!
Pour finir.... essayez de comprendre pourquoi beaucoup de français et d'allemands émigrent en Hongrie ??vous serez surpris des résultats !
Also, liebe Landsleute, kommt bitte im 21. Jahrhundert an. Verharrt nicht länger im 19. wie in einem Reduit.
Les lois Bruxelloises font déjà suffisement de mal dans trop de pays, voir la France par exemple, alors ce diktat ça suffit ! Laissez le peuple Suisse juger de ce qui est bon pour lui et refusez la mainmise de l'europe sur nos libertés démocratiques !
Et surout arrêtez cette psychose compassionelle à chaque fois qu'un psychopathe ou un terroriste tue en masse, et gardez vos armes pour vous défendre !
Quand on fait partie d'un système, il faut s'y conformer et le compromis présenté me semble tout à fait raisonnable. On interdit pas l'usage du tir sportif, on le réglemente simplement. L'UDC n'a pas encore fait de référendum contre le permis de tuer que représente le permis de conduire, elle est en perte de vitesse dans l'utilisation abusive des référendums.
Dans sa grandiloquence de la démocratie, on peut toujours se poser la question si le peuple a toujours le pouvoir. (ce que veut dire démocratie) avec les groupes de pression et la corruption que représente le système des lobbys, le dicta de la majorité germanique, voir le problème de la caisse unique de maladie avec des différences monstrueuses selon le lieu de domicile, chères en Suisse romande et supportables en région germanique.
Die EU sollen ihren Laden selbst aufräumen und wenn er so gut aufgeräumt ist wie in der Schweiz, können sie nur froh sein darüber.
Das ist doch eher kleiner!
Ein Grossteil des Problems liegt darin das unsere Politiker immer noch am «Ladenverkauf der Schweiz» sind, damit man eine Politische Position bei der EU hat.
Hat ja auch mehr Prestige!
Meine Stimme: Nein
stolz, dass in der Schweiz Waffenbesitz möglich ist. Vermutlich
ebenso gut kontrolliert, wie in den USA. Seit manchen Jahren lebe
ich mit meinem englischen Ehemann in der wunderschönen Dordogne, wo fast jedes Jahr Todesfälle sich ergeben, wegen der "Chasse", was sehr
traurig ist. Aber es ist sehr schwer, alle Risiken abzudecken.
Hoffentlich findet sich eine Lösung.
if this is your strongest objection - find something worth complaining about.
When you see what has just happened in New Zealand, the risks of lax gun rules are too horrible to contemplate.