SwissCommunity News Archive
News from the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity.
Further news are available in German and French.
- Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2025! (5 december)
- Summer, sun, sports – the best photos from the 2024 summer camps (7 July)
- National Day address to Swiss citizens abroad (3 July)
- YPSA gets new president (3 April)
- Swiss Abroad Statistics 2023 (28 March)
- The new "Swiss Review" 2/24 is online (22 March)
- New stamps dedicated to Swiss Abroad (21 March)
- Live Stream: CSA Meeting on March 15 (15 March)
- New "Artist in Residence" in Brunnen (14 march)
- The Swiss Abroad parliamentary group: Debate on the SRG Initiative (28 february)
- Social Media Project: "Living in..." (26 February)
- 90th year of holiday camps - a successful New Year's camp (22 January)
- Confederation pushes ahead with e-ID and e-voting (11 January)
- Order your desktop calender 2024 (4 December 2023)
- Higher voter turnout in the Fifth Switzerland thanks to e-voting (24 October 2023)
- The new "Swiss Review" 5/23 is online (20 October 2023)
- Webinar on health insurance for Swiss Abroad: Video recording (18 October 2023)
- 100th Congress of the Swiss Abroad in Lucerne (16 October 2023)
- Transparency and solidarity motivate the Swiss Abroad to be generous (11 October 2023)
- Middle-east conflict: Information for Swiss citiziens in Israel (9 October 2023)
- The Swiss Abroad in Germany (4 October 2023)
- Easy electronic voting: a good experience (27 September 2023)
- Support the project Artist in Residence 2024 (12 September 2023)
- Impressions of the Congress (7 September 2023)
- Webinar on military service for the Swiss Abroad (31 August 2023)
- Nature, sports and lots of Switzerland: the 2023 summer camps (25 August 2023)
- Live at the 99th Congress of the Swiss Abroad (19 August 2023)
- The new "Swiss Review" 4/23 is online (11 August 2023)
- Events celebrating 1st August abroad: impressions (7 August 2023)
- Elections 2023: Swiss Abroad candidates (4 August 2023)
- A happy 1st August 2023! (31 July 2023)
- Need a good piece of cheese right now? (18 July 2023)
- The Swiss Abroad in France (14 July 2023)
- Events celebrating 1st August abroad (11 July 2023)
- “I wish you all a wonderful August 1st.” (6 July 2023)
- "Swiss Review" – Theft of mailing address data (21 June 2023)
- New e-voting system passes crucial test (19 June 2023)
- "Aging Abroad" webinar on Estate Planning - video (14 June 2023)
- Questions and answers on the e-voting test platform (9 June 2023)
- 3rd Congress of the Young Swiss Abroad 2023 (16 May 2023)
- The new "Swiss Review" 3/23 is online (12 May 2023)
- Should the political rights of the Swiss Abroad be extended or restricted? (2 May 2023)
- The 2022 annual report (1 May 2023)
- A memorial in Bern for the victims of National Socialism (26 April 2023)
- Situation in Sudan: Swiss Embassy in Khartoum closed (24 April 2023)
- The Swiss Abroad in the Netherlands (20 April 2023)
- Online portal for the voluntary Insurance (14 April 2023)
- Swiss Abroad break the 800,000 mark (6 April 2023)
- The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad on social media (31 March 2023)
- Register now for the 99th Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2023 (28 March 2023)
- The new "Swiss Review" 2/23 is online (24 March 2023)
- The Fifth Switzerland starts the election year (17 March 2023)
- Federal Council adopts report on the exercise of voting rights from abroad (17 March 2023)
- Meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad 17 March 2023 (8 March 2023)
- New e-voting trials for the votes of June 2023 (3 March 2023)
- Get ready for the federal elections 2023 (22 February 2023)
- Webinar on the topics of ‘Aging Abroad’ and OASI: Summary (13 February 2023)
- New partnership between the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad and the Zürcher Kantonalbank (30 January 2023)
- The new "Swiss Review" 1/23 is online (27 January 2023)
- How the young Swiss Abroad experienced the New Year's ski camp 2022-2023 (23 January 2023)
- Election year 2023: Do the Swiss Abroad have enough power? (13 January 2023)
- Youth offers 2023: Register now! (10 January 2023)
- SwissCommunity Portrait of the Month: Noel Frei (3 January 2023)
- We wish you happy holidays and a good 2023 (23 December 2022)
- Order your desktop calender 2023 (5 December 2022)
- New offers for young people for the year 2023 (2 December 2022)
- The Fifth Switzerland celebrates Christmas together (30 November 2022)
- 99th Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2023 in St. Gallen (22 November 2022)
- Meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad: A clear commitment to Swiss neutrality (5 November 2022)
- New Swiss passport with extra page for the Fifth Switzerland (1 November 2022)
- Swiss clubs celebrate their birthdays (19 October 2022)
- The new "Swiss Review" 5/22 is online (7 October 2022)
- A majority of the Fith Switzerland supports the two OASI proposals (26 September 2022)
- E-government is moving forward (23 September 2022)
- Democracy needs participation – also through electronic voting and digital tools (15 September 2022)
- Popular votes on 25 September 2022: What is it about? (2 September 2022)
- Joyful impressions from the youth camp "Swiss Challenge" (12 August 2022)
- Joyful impressions from the second youth camp in Jaun (9 August 2022)
- The new "Swiss Review" is online (5 August 2022)
- The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad wishes you a happy 1 August! (1 August 2022)
- Joyful impressions from the current youth camp in the Fieschertal valley (22 July 2022)
- Without e-voting, voting participation of the Fifth Switzerland decreases (18 July 2022)
- "Switzerland needs you and your ties to the rest of the world now more than ever." (4 July 2022)
- E-voting: New legislation comes into force (25 May 2022)
- Results of the popular vote on 15 Mai 2022 (16 May 2022)
- 98th Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2022 in Lugano: Register now! (30 April 2022)
- Popular vote on 15 Mai 2022 (29 April 2022)
- The 2021 annual report of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (26 April 2022)
- Swiss Post e-voting to operate from 2023 (22 April 2022)
- The new statistics on the Swiss Abroad 2021 (7 April 2022)
- 98th Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2022 in Lugano (24 March 2022)
- Meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad of 12 March 2022: Objectives and priorities 2022 (18 March 2022)
- Parliament says yes to a memorial for Swiss victims of the Holocaust (10 March 2022)
- Ukraine: Recommended procedure for Swiss Abroad (28 February 2022)
- Entering Switzerland: all pandemic-related measures lifted (18 February 2022)
- COVID-19 in Switzerland: most measures lifted (18 February 2022)
- Vote on 13 February 2022: the results (15 February 2022)
- Virtual Meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad of 12 March 2022 (3 February 2022)
- Life certificates: Facilitated process (21 January 2022)
- Word of the President: Retrospective 2021 (21 December 2021)
- E-voting trials: new legal basis to be finalised by mid-2022 (16 December 2021)
- Order your desk calendar 2022 (14 December 2021)
- New financial solution for the Swiss Abroad: partnership between the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad and YAPEAL (1 December 2021)
- Popular vote on 28 November 2021: The results of the three proposals (29 November 2021)
- Winter meeting of the Council of the Swiss Abroad (25 November 2021)
- 30th anniversary of the "Area for the Swiss Abroad" in Brunnen (SZ) (24 September 2021)
- 100 years of recruit care packages! (17 September 2021)
- New social security agreement between Switzerland and the United Kingdom (15 September 2021)
- The new head of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad and its goals for the legislative period 2021 - 2025 (23 August 2021)
- Live stream of the meeting and the election of the Counsil of the Swiss Abroad for the legislative period 2021 - 2025 (16 August 2021)
- Live stream of the 1 August 2021 celebration in Brunnen (29 July 2021)
- Successful 1st Congress of Young Swiss Abroad (21 July 2021)
- "Thanks to you, Switzerland is an infinitely large country." (8 July 2021)
- The Council of States sends a strong signal towards a memorial for the victims of National Socialism (8 June 2021)
- Submission of life certificate officially confirmed (5 May 2021)
- An important political step towards a memorial for Holocaust victims (23 March 2021)
- The "electronic identity" had no chance at the ballot box (8 March 2021)
- Submission of life certificate (1 March 2021)
- Order your desk calendar 2021 (28 January 2021)
- "Exit" does not exclude Fifth Switzerland (27 January 2021)
- COVID-19 Vaccination (11 January 2021)
- Happy New Year (31 December 2020)