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  • Notes from the Federal Palace

Votes and Elections


Federal votes

The proposals submitted to the people are set by the Federal Council at least four months prior to the voting date.

The Federal Council decided at its session on 15 May 2024 to submit the following proposals to the people on 22 September 2024:

  • Popular initiative of 8 September 2020 “For the future of our natural environment and countryside (Biodiversity Initiative)” (Swiss Federal Gazette 2024 28)
  • Amendment of 17 March 2023 to the Federal Act on Occupational Old Age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Pension Provision (OPA) (Occupation Pension Reform) (Swiss Federal Gazette 2023 785)

All information on proposals submitted to the people (voting pamphlets, committees, recommendations by the parliament, Federal Council etc.) can be found at or in the Federal Chancellery app “VoteInfo”.

Popular initiatives

The following federal popular initiatives had been launched at the time of going to press (deadline for signatures in brackets):

  • Federal Popular Initiative “For a strong Switzerland in Europe (Europe Initiative)” (02.10.2025)
  • Federal Popular Initiative “Legalising cannabis: an opportunity for the economy, health and equality” (30.10.2025)
  • Federal Popular Initiative “Stop abuse of the asylum system! (Border Protection Initiative)” (28.11.2025)
  • Federal Popular Initiative “For a secure supply with renewable energies (Solar Initiative)” (11.12.2025)

The list of pending popular initiatives is available in French, German and Italian at > Politische Rechte > Volksinitiativen > Hängige Volksinitiativen



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