From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
From the editor’s desk
After five years as head of the “Swiss Review”, Barbara Engel is entering retirement. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her work and in particular for overseeing the new layout of the Review and the app, and wish her all the very best for the future.
At the same time, we would like to introduce you to the new editor-in-chief of the “Swiss Review”, Marko Lehtinen. Marko is 48 years old and lives in Schönenbuch, near Basel. He studied journalism and was previously managing director and editor-in-chief of the free newspaper “Baslerstab”. During his journalistic career he has also been employed by “Radio Basel 1” and worked as cultural editor of the “Mittelland Zeitung” and the “Basler Zeitung”, primarily covering culture and working as a producer. Marko, who is a native of Basel with Finnish roots, has also written about music for various daily newspapers, such as the “Neue Luzerner Zeitung”, “Südostschweiz”, “Sonntagszeitung”, “Bieler Tagblatt”, “St. Galler Tagblatt” and the “Bund”.
Marko Lehtinen started in his new role on 1 November 2015, and this is his first edition of the “Swiss Review”. We look forward to a successful working relationship with him.
Comments :
Puis-je me permettre deux suggestions, une personnelle et une générale ?
1) En tant que membre de, j'apprécierais beaucoup votre présence sur ce site de l'OSE.
2) Il n'est pas possible de faire des commentaires sur les pages régionales. Une modification en ce sens serait-elle envisageable ?