Health organisations have submitted the “Yes to protecting children and young people from tobacco advertising” initiative, which calls for a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising. Currently, tobacco advertising is only banned on the radio and television. Opponents fear that such a ban would limit economic freedom.
A citizen’s group has submitted the “Yes to a ban on animal and human testing” initiative, which calls for a radical change in current pharmaceutical testing practices. This initiative goes too far for the Federal Council and parliament, which warn of the negative impact on drug supply.
Parliament has voted to abolish issuance stamp duty on equity capital, with the federal government set to lose revenue worth 250 million francs a year as a result. The SP, the Greens, and trade unions call this a “tax break” for companies and equity owners, and have called a referendum to oppose it.
The federal government intends to subsidise Switzerland’s ailing media sector with an additional 120 million francs over the next few years. A centre-right and right-wing committee has called a referendum to oppose these “damaging subsidies”, which it fears will result in a “state-funded media” that compromises independent journalism.
Comments :
Tierversuche haben mir noch nie gefallen. Ein Mensch kann zum mindesten selbst entscheiden, ob er als Testperson fungieren will oder nicht. Den Tieren zuliebe werde ich diese Vorlage annehmen. Auch die Vorlage zur Unterstützung der kriselnden Schweizer Medien werde ich gutheissen.
Die Abschaffung der Stempelsteuer hingegen werde ich verwerfen. Man könnte die Stempelsteuer beispielsweise auch einfach herabsetzen, statt sie ganz abzuschaffen. Das wäre meiner Ansicht nach die bessere Lösung.