The “Swiss Review” is published both in printed form and in an online version. OSA, which is the publisher of the “Review”, wants to keep it this way. However, printing and shipping costs are an enormous expenditure item and shipping is not always the most ecologically sensible option. Those who appreciate the advantages of the electronic version are therefore advised to switch from print to online. By doing this, you will receive the “Review” earlier and have access to all content at any time and from any location. When doing so, it is important to report that you are switching! It does not help the environment or save costs if you read the electronic version of the “Review” before the printed version lands in your mailbox, only to throw it into the waste paper basket without having read it.
As important as it is for the “Review” to keep printing and shipping costs low, it is clearly commited to the printed edition. Readers who particularly appreciate receiving the printed edition are since 2019 able to support it with a voluntary subscription fee. Your support expressed in this way will help us to offer the “Review” on paper in the same quality for many years to come.
The bank details for the transfer of voluntary subscriptions are as follows:
IBAN: CH97 0079 0016 1294 4609 8
Bank: Berner Kantonalbank Bundesplatz 8, CH-3011 Berne
Account: 16.129.446.0.98
Beneficiary: Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, FAO Mr A. Kiskery, Alpenstrasse 26, CH-3006 Berne
Telephone +41 31 356 61 10
Comments :
Thank you for rich articles.
I do have a bank account with Kantonal bank St.Gallen. The bank has changed it's securtity system and since then I have lost all communication with the bank. I have been told to communicate direct per telephone, which I did but have had no response.I have heard of negative interest charges, but have no idea what is happening with my bank account. The SouthAfrican postoffice does not seem to work any more and I have not received the Swiss Revue for Two Years.
Avons la possibilité de fréquenter très souvent le pays et la famille.Sommes donc
Assez informés mais jamais de trop.norbert
wohnenden Bürgern verschiedene punkte erklärt die mit den Ansichten von Ausland Schweizern
manchmal sehr stark vertreten werden und es ist vielfach nicht ganz einfach diese seite ohne viel geduld unsere seite zu erzählen, den von vielen sitzhaften Schweuzer Bürgern werden wir ganz einfach als Ausländer klassiert.
Nur noch einen punkt von wegen Abonnieren mit einem bestimmten Betrag inklusive spesen. Sind in einem fall versand kosten zu hoch, dann muss die Möglichkeit weiter besteht die Revue
weiterhin online erhältlich ist.
Da ich schon ueber 80zig bin sind meine Augen nicht mehr so
gut mit dem Licht von dem Computer.Deshalb ist die gedructe
Ausgabe viel besser fuer mich nicht so muesame als mit dem
Computer.Sorry.Ich bin auch einer, der schon laengere Zeit die
Revue nicht mehr erhalten hat.
news about home and hope that it will continue. Thank you so much
for all the efforts in sending us news.
I would love to come home more often But ... The Swiss Review is always a little piece of Heimat.
Our planned School Reunion has been postponed due to. Maybe later this year?
At 77 travel can no longer be taken for granted so I have to make the most of it.