Companies will continue to have to pay stamp duty on equity capital, after 63 per cent of the electorate rejected a proposal that would have led to annual tax losses worth 250 million Swiss francs.
Newspapers, online platforms, and news agencies will not be receiving additional public sector funding, after 55 per cent of voters rejected a package of measures to help the media.
An emphatic 79 per cent of the electorate rejected a popular initiative submitted by a citizens’ group calling for a radical change in current pharmaceutical testing practices. Not one single canton voted yes.
Children and young people are to be protected from all forms of tobacco advertising, after 57 per cent of voters and the majority of cantons approved an initiative submitted by health organisations.
Comments :
Estimados compatriotas. Con respecto a no prohibición de experimentos con animales es necesario de se reglamente esta practica para aplicarse sobre determinadas especies y cantidades ya que el uso indiscrimidado( por edad de desarrollo) pudiera poner en riesgo la existencia de algunos de ellos.