The Swiss in Argentina
From the second half of the 19th century, Swiss nationals left their homeland to settle in Argentina.
The first organized farming communities were established in Santa Fe and Entre Ríos, where the new immigrants set up home. Years later, they also settled in other parts of the country.
Bilateral relations between Switzerland and Argentina are good and are strengthened by regular exchanges. The two countries have close cultural ties. Argentina is home to the largest Swiss community in Latin America.
Trade, Swiss investment in Argentina, cooperation in tax matters and collaboration in international forums, particularly on human rights issues, are at the heart of bilateral relations.
Embassy of Switzerland in Argentina
The Embassy is the official representation of Switzerland, and it is active in all aspects of diplomatic relations between the two governments. It represents Switzerland's interests in the areas of politics, economics, finance, law, science, education and culture.
Swiss Argentine Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce promotes business relations between the Argentine and Swiss business communities in all their diversity.
Federation of Swiss Associations in the Argentine Republic
The Federation brings together 30 Swiss institutions in the country. It is a meeting point for the institutions that make up the Swiss community in Argentina. Its activities and projects include
- Swiss Camp: a camp that brings together children and young people from the Swiss community, introducing them to the Swiss language and culture in a fun and stimulating environment.
- “From Switzerland to Argentina, women who have left their mark”: the aim is to draw attention to the contribution of Swiss women and women from the Swiss community in Argentina.
- Virtual museum of the Swiss community in Argentina: safeguarding the tangible and intangible cultural and historical heritage of the Swiss community in Argentina.
- Meeting of writers and historians on Swiss immigration in Argentina: the aim is to obtain an overview of publications by different Swiss groups on the topic of Swiss immigration.
- Entidades Valesanas Argentinas (E.V.A) (Argentinian Valaisan Associations): these are associations from different provinces of the country, with a common heritage and comprising descendants of Swiss emigrants from the canton of Valais.
- The Oeschger-Hintermann Foundation was created in 2003 from the inheritance of the Swiss-Argentine couple of the same name. Its aim is to provide financial support to Swiss nationals and dual nationals who find themselves in existential distress in Argentina. The guiding principle is: "A helping hand".