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Webinars «Popular votes»

Voting issues - explained very simply

The Youth Service of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA), SwissCommunity, organises webinars on voting issues to promote the exercise of political rights abroad and to encourage the Swiss Abroad to take part in voting. 

In this new series of webinars organised with our partner easyvote, political information, which can sometimes seem complex, will be explained in a simple, accessible and neutral way for each vote. This should help make Swiss politics understandable to everyone, whatever their age or level of political knowledge.

Easyvote is primarily aimed at young people aged 18 to 25, but this webinar is for everyone, regardless of age. Thanks to its educational and accessible approach, easyvote enables everyone to familiarise themselves with current political issues, without getting bogged down in complicated terms or party-political arguments.

Webinar dates:

  • 27 August 2024
  • 29 October 2024

The link to participate is published here on the day of the webinar:

  • French, 1 p.m. (Swiss time), 90 minutes
  • German, 3 p.m. (Swiss time), 90 minutes

The webinar is free of charge. The webinar will be recorded and available on the OSA website up until two weeks after the vote. If you have any questions about the webinar, please email or

We look forward to seeing you there.

What is easyvote?

The aim of easyvote is to motivate young people between the ages of 18 and 25, but also older people, to take an interest in politics. By informing them about political issues and processes it hopes to encourage people to vote. Easyvote provides information on votes, elections and current political issues. In addition, easyvote-school promotes a culture of discussion and thus contributes to the political education of all. To find out more about easyvote, and access videos or flyers, visit the website: 

The easyvote services are produced with the help of 190 volunteers. Easyvote is a project of the Swiss Federation of Youth Parliaments (FSPJ)


Important links:


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SwissCommunity is a not-for-profit organisation. Many of our offers and services are reasonably prices or even free of charge. And it is your donations that help continue to make this possible.

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