The Congress of the Swiss Abroad in Montreux from 16 to 18 August 2019 will address major questions about the future, together with leading experts.
The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) has lined up prominent speakers on the core topic of the Congress –“What will tomorrow’s world hold”. Francesco Pisano intends to focus on the big picture in Montreux. The Director of the Library of the United Nations will address Agenda 2030, or rather the “programme to safeguard the future of the planet”. And renowned Professor in Applied Climatology at the University of Neuchâtel, Martine Rebetez, will give a talk on the globally relevant topic of climate change.
What will tomorrow’s working world hold? That is also part of the big question about the future. Pierre-Yves Maillard, the president of the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions, will address it in his capacity as the top representative of employees in Switzerland. Other speakers will include Cristina Gaggini, the Director of the Western Switzerland branch of the federation of Swiss business, economiesuisse.
What will the politics of the future be like? It will be shaped and above all challenged by digitalisation, a topic that Matthias Stürmer knows extremely well. He is the head of the Research Centre for Digital Sustainability at the University of Bern. The politics of the future will also probably be more influenced by think tanks than by the established parties. Salomé Vogt (Think Tank Foraus) und Laura Zimmermann (Operation Libero), will talk about this vision of politically-minded young people at the Congress.
Further information on the Congress:
Registration deadline: 26 July 2019.