  • Discoveries

One female party president and her six male counterparts

17.08.2015 – Barbara Engel

“Swiss Review” has provided plenty of good theory but perhaps slightly less emphasis on people in its reporting on the election campaign over recent months.

This was the analysis at our editorial meeting in July. Here is a suggestion to make up for the lack of focus on the figures involved – the one female president and her six male counterparts from the main political parties present themselves wonderfully in front of swissinfo’s cameras. They eloquently discuss the Swiss Abroad, their significance in Switzerland and the world and their parties’ plans to put greater emphasis on the Swiss Abroad in Swiss politics. You will find some great answers to the question: What do the Swiss Abroad mean to you? Among them: “They are a breath of fresh air for our nation.”

It is well worth noting that in addition to interviews with the party presidents, swissinfo also provides extensive background information on the political protagonists and developments in the run-up to the elections.

All of this can be found at



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