  • SwissCommunity

New guide explains key issues of social security law to those working abroad

22.11.2018 – Marc Lettau

People are becoming more mobile, business work increasingly so. Thus an overview of key insurance law issues is increasingly important.

The new guide “Arbeiten oder Leben im Ausland – wer ist in der AHV versichert?” (Working or living abroad – who is insured in the OASI?) contributes to this overview. In a language that is simple and easy to understand, it describes where people who work abroad or emigrate are insured. The guide is good for those considering moving abroad as well as those already living abroad who wish to provide possible new arrivals with advice on OASI matters.

The common examples chosen and list of questions help simplify the relevant insurance criteria. In the introduction, the legal basis of national and international social security law is explained. The main part deals with the insuring of the employed and self-employed who go to work abroad or work in several countries at the same time, as well as those not working who emigrate.

The information presented deals separately with the EU/EFTA states and the contracting and non-contracting countries, and is supplemented by numerous examples and overviews. In addition, it shows how to proceed so that persons employed abroad continue to be insured in the OASI. As a practical handbook it is suitable for specialists who deal with cross-border cases. Thanks to its understandable language, it also gives interested laypeople a good overview of the topic. The book is available only in German.

SYBILLE KÄSLIN, CHRISTINE VON FISCHER, “Arbeiten oder Leben im Ausland – wer ist in der AHV versichert?” (Working or living abroad – who is insured in the OASI?), 236 pages, Stämpfli Verlag Bern, CHF 78.



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