  • Notes from the Federal Palace

Votes and Elections

20.03.2019 – FDFA

Everything you need to know about the proposals (voting pamphlets, committees, recommendations by Parliament and the Federal Council, electronic voting, etc.) is available at For information about the National Council elections of 20 October 2019, visit

Federal votes

The Federal Council determines voting proposals at least four months before the voting date. The following proposals will be put to the People on 19 May 2019:

  • Federal Act of 28 September 2018 on Tax Reform and OASI (AHV-IV) Funding
  • Federal Decree of 28 September 2018 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU on the adoption of Directive (EU) 2017/853 amending the EU Weapons Directive (Development of the Schengen acquis)

Other voting dates in 2019: 20 October, 24 November

Popular initiatives

The following federal popular initiative had been launched by the time of going to press (deadline for the collection of signatures in brackets):

  • “Stop arms exports to countries engaged in civil war (Corrective Initiative)” (11/6/2020)

The list of pending popular initiatives is available in German at > Politische Rechte > Volksinititativen > Hängige Volksinitativen



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Comments :

  • user
    Georges Charrière, France, Tournus 71700 29.04.2019 At 21:50
    Au sujet des votes (du 19 mai 19, notamment les objets cantonaux, GE) : je pense qu'il y a un effort de simplification du vocabulaire général et juridique à faire tant de la part de l'Etat que des comités référendaires ou d'initiatives populaires : par ex., sur les objets 1 à 3 (GE) ("loi modifiant la loi..."; etc.), j'ai du mal à décrypter, même avec un bac + 7... et ma fille est juriste internationale ; mais le citoyen lambda... ???

    Ceci dit, la démocratie populaire fonctionne chez nous (mieux que chez certain voisin proche...) et je m'en félicite... mais essayons de rendre les sujets plus faciles à appréhender.
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