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  • SwissCommunity

The print edition of “Swiss Review” remains reliant on donations

03.06.2024 – Marc Lettau

Now for the hard truth: the print edition of “Swiss Review”, particularly appreciated by many readers in the “Fifth Switzerland”, will continue to rely on monetary donations in 2024.

The rise in energy and raw material prices has hit us hard financially – and mailing costs are set to increase sharply next year too. This is a huge challenge for a magazine available to read for free.

Not only do you, our readers, want to read the magazine, you also want a tangible and physical reminder of Switzerland to hold in your hands. And we want to be able to offer you this. We would, therefore, be extremely grateful if you were able to pay a voluntary subscription to help fund the print edition of “Swiss Review” in 2024. All donations to the magazine are a great source of motivation for us.

Voluntary subscriptions from our readers are, therefore, an important and much-appreciated way to ensure the print edition’s long-term survival. We hope you agree that this latest magazine illustrates our unwavering commitment to the hard-copy format, as we believe that we have put together another contentpacked, stimulating and highly readable “Swiss Review”. And we would really like to continue doing this in future - for you, our readers.

Your Editor-in-Chief, Marc Lettau


The bank details for the transfer of voluntary subscriptions are as follows:

Donate via credit card:

Donate via PayPal:

Bank account for donations:

IBAN: CH97 0079 0016 1294 4609 8 
Bank: Berner Kantonalbank Bundesplatz 8, CH-3011 Berne 
Account: 16.129.446.0.98
Beneficiary: Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, FAO Mr A. Kiskery, Alpenstrasse 26, CH-3006 Berne

Telephone +41 31 356 61 10




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