  • Quotes



“Safeguarding the bilateral agreements is the key element of a pact with the SVP.”

Christoph Darbellay, President of the CVP, on a possible alliance with the SVP if a second SVP Federal Councillor is elected in December.

“Woe, that too late repents.” 

William Shakespeare (1564 to 1616), English playwright and poet in “King Lear”.

“The bilateral agreements must be secured.”

FDP National Councillor Ruedi Noser, also on an alliance with the SVP if a second SVP Federal Councillor is elected in December.

“Egalitarianism to such an extent inevitably spoils the broth.”

FDP President Philipp Müller, on the same day but not on an alliance with the SVP, instead in an open letter to the members of the SP.

“Those who are liberal believe they and the world are capable of doing good (…), whereas conservatism is based on diffidence and narrow-mindedness.”

Gottfried Keller (1819 to 1890), Swiss author and politician in “Die Leute von Seldwyla”.

“Mediocre minds usually condemn everything that extends beyond their horizons.”

François de La Rochefoucauld (1613 to 1680), French military officer, diplomat and author.

“We are quick to talk of shocks or crises. Unjustly so. This is not a time of crisis but one of uncertainty.”

Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter at the World Economic Forum.



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