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  • SwissCommunity

Popular online language courses for young people to be repeated


Last year was the first time the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) offered online language courses to young Swiss Abroad aged 15 to 25. The courses were so popular that the OSA intends to offer them again this year.

Intensive two-week courses in German or French are available to young people aged between 15 and 25. Online teaching will give them the opportunity to learn a language or improve their language skills in an effective but creative way together with other young Swiss from all corners of the world, in a fun and social atmosphere.

The language courses will take place from 14 to 25 March 2022 and from 11 to 22 July 2022 and will be run by qualified teachers. With “Switzerland” as the dedicated theme, participants will be able to acquaint themselves with one of the official Swiss languages from the comfort of their own home, thus nurturing an attachment to their home country even if they live far away.

For further details on all OSA Youth Service offers as well as the relevant application forms, visit our website at > Youth offers.

Youth Service of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA), Alpenstrasse 26, 3006 Berne, Switzerland

tel. +41 31 356 61 24 | email |



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