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  • SwissCommunity

New offers 2021: online language courses


Alongside other young Swiss Abroad, participants will have the chance to study one of the Swiss national languages from their own home, thereby maintaining a connection with their country of origin, even from the other side of the world.

This new offer from SwissCommunity enables young people aged 15 to 25 to follow two weeks of intensive lessons in French or German. The online lessons will give participants the chance to learn or improve their linguistic knowledge along with other young Swiss people from around the world. While learning you will also have fun and share some unforgettable experiences. The language lessons will be based around the central theme of “Switzerland” and will be delivered by qualified and enthusiastic teachers. For further information and the registration form, go to our website: > Youth offers.

Organisation of the Swiss Abroad OSA, SwissCommunity
Youth Service
Alpenstrasse 26
3006 Berne, Switzerland
+41 31 356 61 24 | email



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Comments :

  • user
    Gustavo Villarró, Berna 19.04.2021 At 10:57

    Soy suizo con un francés poco fluido, que he acompañado ami esposa por 20 años trabajando para Suiza como expatriada y ahora, por primera vez, viviendo en Berna. Me parece que debería tener derecho a aprender el alemán o mejorar mi francés con esta ayuda; pero tembló 68 años de edad y 25 años de edad mental.

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