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  • Mailbag

Letters to the editor


IS is also recruiting in Switzerland. An interview with the expert Eser Davolio

Thank you for this very interesting interview. The expert says that the motivations of the Swiss jihadists “vary but are often more ideological or political than religious. Religious factors are overestimated. Those being recruited have a dichotomous view of the world: On the one hand there is the Muslim world and on the other there is the West, whose values, which are deemed to be decadent, have to be fought…” My question is: Is not their ideology a system of beliefs or theories based, in this case, on the religion of Islam? The prophet of Islam, historically speaking, was a religious leader but at the same time also a political and military leader. The Quran says repeatedly that he is the example every good Muslim must follow. In light of these facts, are you not separating aspects here that need to be together? Do they not feed on each other?

Oskar, United Kingdom

The new man from Valais in the top job. FIFA President Infantino under fire

According to details in the press, the new FIFA president, Gianni Infantino, does not appear any better than his predecessor. Let’s hope it is a short stay.

Karl Wicki, Thailand

Swiss development aid under pressure. Federal government wants to make savings

I am not sure how many people in the First World are aware that the global population will soon reach eight billion. How many of them urgently need help? Estimates indicate 10 % or perhaps even 20 %. The number who actually receive help is a drop in the ocean. I have lived abroad for most of my adult life and have witnessed terrible misery. What about people helping themselves? That’s all well and good, but the whole infrastructure costs a great deal. I am in favour of aid abroad if it can help stem the tide of refugees. However, these people will come in any case.

Ernst Rütimann , Thailand

I’ve lived in Central Africa for 11 years by the Congo River. In my personal experience and view, providing humanitarian development aid in disaster and crisis areas is the most effective and beneficial way of showing our solidarity with the people concerned. I believe cutting this would adversely affect our reputation. However, I would question direct financial aid from our own country and the international community as it disappears into the pockets of officials and those in high office. They get rich while preventing and sabotaging economic development. Less can be more if the resources available are deployed properly. Local knowledge and in-depth analysis of the situation are critically important in this. The staff of the implementing institutions who remain in the protected microcosm of their offices and homes cannot identify the causes from there and are not able to take effective decisions or action. In my view such “investment” is counterproductive and damaging and should therefore not simply be cut but thoroughly reviewed.

Thomas Erwin von Arx, Central Africa

I have lived abroad since 1964 and have run a private and highly successful aid organisation for 23 years. I am ashamed of my native country because the Swiss government is mean-spirited and xenophobic citizens are annoyed about millions of economic refugees wanting to come to Switzerland. Incidentally, we don’t need money from Switzerland as we are now self-supporting and sustainable.

René Schärer, Brazil

100 years of the OSA: Mobility preferable to emigration. Profile of Annemarie Tromp

The Swiss at home are not the only ones to be unaware of the existence of the Council of the Swiss Abroad. The same is true of 99 % of the Swiss Abroad.

Michèle Ettlin Mollatte, France



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Comments :

  • user
    Ruth Karakas, Istanbul 23.09.2016 At 10:17
    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren.
    Danke für die Ausgabe vom August 2016. Leider muss ich sagen, dass darin Wörter vorkommen, die Sie vielleicht taeglich gebrauchen, aber wir Auslandschweizer noch nie gehört haben. Das Gleiche ist mir auch schon in früheren Ausgaben der Schweizer Revue aufgefallen. Oft werden auch englische Wörter in der deutschen Ausgabe geschrieben wie z.B. auf Seite 18 "Essays"! Unverstaendliche Wörter stehen auf Seite 22 "proletarisch" und "eloquent". Und was ist bedeutet denn "reziprok" auf Seite 25. Fragen Sie doch bitte andere Auslandschweizer was diese Worte bedeuten. Vielleicht liegt das Problem bei mir. Aber ich möchte Sie trotzdem bitten, nicht solche Ausdrücke zu gebrauchen.

    Und noch eine Bitte an die Macher der allerletzten Seite von MySwitzerland. Das Wort "Follower" passt nicht. Das schreit zum Himmel!!! Vielleicht könnte das Wort durch "Freunde" oder "Begleiter" ersetzt werden.

    Mit freundlichen Grüssen
    Ruth Karakas, Istanbul
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  • user
    Helmut Mühlethaler 20.09.2016 At 23:12

    Je m'appelle Helmut Mühlethaler, de nationalité suisse, et je vis au Canada depuis plus de dix actuellement.

    Je passe régulièrement mes vacances en Suisse, au moins deux semaines par année, et je me réjouis chaque fois de découvrir, ou "redécouvrir" mon superbe Pays !

    Amateur de déplacements en train, voir bateau et autres téléphériques, je me demande pour quelles raisons les Suisses de l'étranger ne peuvent pas bénéficier de cartes journalières avec les CFF, par exemple, afin d'obtenir des tarifs attractifs, proches de ceux qui bénéficient d'un abonnement demi tarif, notamment.

    Si je ne fais erreur, seuls des "Swiss Pass Travel" sont disponibles pour une période minimale de trois jours, pour le prix de Frs. 239.-- ! (Frs. 220.00 si le choix opte pour trois jours consécutifs).

    Pourquoi ne pas "mettre en place" un système permettant aux Suisses de l'étranger (sur présentation d'un passeport ou pièce d'identité) d'acquérir par exemple une carte journalière pour environ Frs.70.--

    Cela "n'obligerait" pas les intéressés à versés plus de Frs. 200.00 pour un abonnement minimal de trois jours.

    Merci à la rédaction de faire "suivre" mon commentaire à "qui de droit", et aux autres compatriotes de "partager" éventuellement mon avis sur ce site, ou sur les réseaux sociaux ...

    Helmut Mühlethaler, Sainte Thérèse, Province du Québec, Canada
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