The umbrella organisation of the Swiss schools abroad and advisory service for young Swiss Abroad said farewell to Derrick Widmer, its President for many years, in fitting style at its annual conference. Thanks to his remarkable commitment, the association has developed into a powerful organisation, providing many services for the schools and representing their interests in public life.
Educationsuisse’s association members voted Hans Ambühl as its new President at the General Assembly, which took place on the periphery of the Conference of the Swiss Schools Abroad in Lenzburg on 12 July. Hans Ambühl, who grew up in Lucerne, worked as a lawyer and notary in Sursee after his law degree at the University of Fribourg. In 1988, he was appointed Department Secretary of the canton of Lucerne’s Education and Culture Department. He has been Secretary General of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) in Berne since January 2000. He is stepping down from this position in March 2017.
Hans Ambühl has extensive knowledge of the Swiss education system and Swiss politics. He is also very well acquainted with the issue of Swiss schools abroad, given that he has been a member of educationsuisse’s Executive Board since 2013. In spring 2017, he will also become a member of the OSA’s Council of the Swiss Abroad in his capacity as President of educationsuisse.
As President of educationsuisse, Ambühl hopes to establish excellent links between the Swiss schools abroad and the Swiss education system and to provide the schools with optimal conditions for ensuring genuine Swissness. In return, the Swiss education system will obtain benefits from the educational presence abroad and learn to take advantage of this to greater effect.
A recent interview with Hans Ambühl can be found on our website in our November 2016 news.
Further information on the Swiss schools abroad and the advisory service for young Swiss Abroad and pupils at Swiss schools abroad who would like to undertake courses of education or training in Switzerland can be found at