  • SwissCommunity

Financial support for Swiss families abroad


The aim of the Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad is to make it possible for every Swiss child living abroad to take part in a camp in Switzerland at least once – regardless of the financial situation of their family.

To make that possible, the Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad (FYSA) collects funds every year that are intended to benefit these children. The FYSA encourages families that do not have the necessary financial means to register and fill in our application form. That way their child, too, can have a stay in Switzerland.

Families can obtain more information about the possibility of cost reductions and the conditions attached directly from the office of the FYSA.

The FYSA is looking forward to meeting many children who are curious about their Swiss roots and would like to get to know and experience Switzerland first-hand.



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    Lalaoui Abderrahmane, Suisse resident Oran/Algerie 23.09.2018 At 18:00
    Je trouve que cette idée d'offrir un accueil en Suisse pour des enfants suisses nés à l'étranger conforme à l'esprit général de générosité et d'altruisme sur lequel de façon continue la Suisse depuis longtemps est reconue mondialement pour son humanisme et son action anti-segrégationiste. Il s'agit la d'un statut bati de longue date par un pays qui en a fait ligne de conduite et tradition. Grand merci à vous et louanges à votre action. A. Lalaoui
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