Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Notes from the Federal Palace
Peter Zimmerli – Simone Jenny Flubacher
Dear readers,
I have been fortunate to serve as a bridge between you and the federal government over the past four years as the Delegate for Relations with the Swiss Abroad. I have always really enjoyed and attached great importance to my dialogue with fellow citizens, whether face-to-face at Congresses of the Swiss Abroad in Switzerland and abroad or through the federal government section of “Swiss Review”. The time has now come for me to depart as I will take over the direction of the Consulate General in Atlanta in the USA at the beginning of August. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all the Swiss Abroad who enthusiastically represent Swiss values abroad.
Dear Swiss Abroad
I am very much looking forward to our future exchanges. This move takes me from dealing with preparations for emigration to addressing issues closer to you abroad. For 20 years I worked for the FDFA at various Swiss representations abroad. I returned to Switzerland at the end of 2012 where I set up the emigration advisory service at the Consular Directorate and dealt with various issues related to spending time abroad, emigration and returning to Switzerland. In July 2017, I will take over from Peter Zimmerli as the Delegate for Relations with the Swiss Abroad.