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The Swiss in Mexico

Mexico is a country that has always had a favourable attitude towards immigration throughout its history as an independent state.

This was particularly evident with the various European immigrants who came to Mexico in the 19th century and made important contributions to its industrial and commercial development. An influx of Swiss compatriots also began at this time. There are records of the first eleven Swiss settling in Mexico in 1842 and engaging in commercial, artisanal and service-related activities.

Diplomatic relations between Mexico and the Confederation were formalised in December 1945, so 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Our Embassy has been and continues to be strongly supportive of this fruitful relationship spanning decades.

Mexico is rich in terms of history, culture and traditions, and this was a particular attraction for the Swiss who settled in the country. There are currently around 6 000 Swiss living in the country.

In recent decades, major Swiss companies have established a presence in Mexico and their contribution to the economy is highly valued by Mexican society and the government. Examples of companies of Swiss origin operating successfully in Mexico include: Asea Brown Boveri, Credit Suisse, UBS, Schindler, Nestlé, Roche, Firmenich, Novartis, Victorinox, Givaudan, Zurich Seguros, Panalpina, Swiss Re.

The Swiss in Mexico have set up various organisations with different purposes. These include commercial, cultural and social organisations, and educational charities. These are the largest Swiss organisations active in Mexico:

The Swiss in Mexico have established a cultural and economic legacy that is highly valued and recognised.

Swiss Embassy in Mexico: (honorary consulates exist  in Guadalajara, Monterrey and Querétaro):

Mexican delegates to the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity:
Hans Broder -
Federico Rubli -

Members of the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) Mexico

Hans Broder

Hans Broder

Colonia del Valle, Mexico
Federico Rubli Kaiser

Federico Rubli Kaiser

Mexico City, Mexico

Patrick René Louis Wyss

Mexiko City, Mexico