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4th Congress of young Swiss Abroad 2024

This interactive conference addresses current issues of direct interest to young Swiss Abroad, such as education, the world of work and democracy.

The interactive conference will take place online on 17 September 2024.

This year, we'll be looking at the theme of tourism in Switzerland and good advice for Swiss people abroad. Various experts will be speaking, and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and discuss.

You are all cordially invited to attend and network with part of the global SwissCommunity.

Date17 September, 2024
Placeonline, the participation link will be published here on the day of the webinar at the latest
Languagein English
Age15 to 25 years old



14.00-14.10:Opening and welcome by the Head of Youth Department of the Organisation of Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity, Ms Marie Bloch
14:10-14:25:Tourism in Switzerland, with Mr Federico Sommaruga, Director of Emerging Markets and Special Projects at Switzerland Tourism
14.25-14.40:The possibilities of travelling by public transport in Switzerland, with Mr Stefan Sutter, Head of Partnermanagement at Swiss Travel System
14.40-14.55:Is there anything else you would like to say, ask or share?


Marie Bloch

Marie Bloch

Head of Youth Department
+41 31 356 61 24