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Plenary session

Friday 12 July 2024 - KKL, Luzernersaal

Larissa Bieler, Director of SWI
Mark Livingston, Editor-in-Chief of SWI

9.00-9.25Welcome coffee, meeting and exchange with partners - networking
9.30-9.35Swissinfo-Video: «Together across boarders»
9.35-9.45National anthem
9.50-10.05Opening speech: 100th Congress
Filippo Lombardi, President, Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity
10.10-10.30Greetings from the political authorities
Ambassador David Grichting, Head of the FDFA’s Consular Directorate
10.35-10.55Swiss migration history Yesterday and today
Prof. Gianni D'Amato, 
National Center of Competence in Research on Migration and Mobility
11.00-11.35Three Swiss across borders
Loredana Guetg-Wyatt / Great Britain
Philippe Magnenat / Canada
Markus Wiget / Italy
11.40-12.00Swiss cuisine, at home and afar
Schweizer Küche, zuhause und fern
12.00-13.15Buffet lunch
13.15-14.25Meetings and exchange with partners - networking
14.30-14.50International marketing of Switzerland as a travel destination
Simon Bosshart, Head Markets East, Member of the Management Schweiz Tourismus
14.55-15.30Round table: A global network in the world
Helene Budliger Artieda, State Secretary, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO 
Benno Keller, Director Corporate Development + Strategy Switzerland Global Enterprise
15.35-16.10A different kind of connection: music across borders 
Valentin Gloor and the Lucerne School of Music
16.10-16.15Video SwissCommunity
16.15-16.20Summing up & Closing words
Ariane Rustichelli, Director, Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity
Filippo Lombardi, President, Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, SwissCommunity
16.25-16.45Greetings from the Canton and City of Lucerne 
 Followed by: Aperitif


